O*NO! You are an agency principal or business owner and have started to feel a little alone in your business journey. You’re enjoying the ride, but something feels like it is missing.

I had a different blog topic that I was scheduled to write today, according to my pre-planned content calendar, but as I sat down to write, I changed my mind and decided to write about something that really hit me this week.

The ups and downs
When I was told that business is like a roller coaster, I never truly grasped the concept. I have now learnt firsthand how true that statement is. For me so far; it’s been mostly highs, but self-doubt can creep in and flatten you pretty quickly.

My main lesson learnt from the last 12 months in business ownership land is that I cannot be successful and be an island. My wins, successes and growth spurts have all been the result of the support I have found in both business coaching and the peer support network I have built of like-minded lawyers and business owners.

I have found that I now get a little less motion sick from the roller coaster when I call on the support of my network – and I know that I am not alone.

Find your tribe
So, why did I change this week’s blog topic? Because only a few minutes before I signed up the Happy Lawyer, Happy Life – The Club. I also signed up to go to their annual retreat at Kingscliff later this year. And I’m excited. I mean really excited (I’m currently in cold Canberra, and the images of the beaches of Kingscliff are calling to me)! And I feel energised about the prospect of being around other like-minded people.

Now, what does this have to do with anything? Well, it is a massive reminder that when we surround ourselves with like-minded people, life just seems a little easier, we are a little happier, and the flow-on effect of that on our businesses is huge. Now, I don’t like hanging out with most lawyers – but I do love hanging out with other innovative business people who want to break the mould and do things differently.

I encourage you to do the same – go out there and find your tribe! You will thank me later.

Advisor network
This might sound obvious, but it is so important to find advisors who actually get you and your business. For me, it’s vital that my advisors understand my business, as it is not a traditional law firm.

The same can be said of your agency or business. Most advisors work across many industries. Lawyers for example, might be commercial lawyers who service most industries. O*NO Legal are commercial lawyers; however, we almost exclusively service real estate agencies.

Find advisors that service your niche – that way, you won’t have to spend hours educating them on your business and industry – their time can be spent helping you.

To ensure the success of your agency or business, you must:

  • Surround yourself with other like-minded agents or business owners in your industry who operate on a similar level to you..

  • Find Facebook Groups or group coaching session on business topics that are of interest to you to expand your peer network.

  • Find advisers that fully appreciate and understand your agency and the environment you operate in.

  • Tap into a network of industry specialists that can take you and your agency to new heights.

Your next steps

Did you know that we are about to launch our Real Estate Agency Legal Membership?

If you want to learn more about our REAL Membership before everyone else, then email us at  [email protected] with ‘Member Info’ and we will send you the deets first so you don’t miss out!

Boring legal stuff: This article is general information only and cannot be regarded as legal, financial or accounting advice as it does not take into account your personal circumstances. For tailored advice, please contact us. PS - congratulations if you have read this far, you must love legal disclaimers or are a sucker for punishment.


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